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Our Publications

  1. Emelin S.E., Semenov V.S., Eikhvald A.I.,  Khassani A.K. Some conditions of the formation of erosive discharge non-ideal plasma. // Khimiya, Moscow, 1994, pp.87-95 (in russian).
  2. Emelin S.E., Belisheva N.K., Skvortsov G.E., Beznisko E.V., Khassani A.K., Semenov V.S. Propagation of the leadeng edge of plasma state in the jet of a capillary discharge. //  Tech. Phys. Lett., 22(12), 1996, pp.1005-1006.
  3. Emelin S.E., Semenov V.S., Bychkov V.L., Belisheva N.K., Kovshik A.P. Some objects formed in the interaction of electrical discharges with metals and polymers. // Tech. Phys., 42 (3), 1997, pp.269-277.
  4. Emelin S.E., Pirozerski A.L., Semenov V.S. and Skvortsov G.E. Propagation characteristics of the dynamic state in a capillary discharge jet. // Pisma v Zh. Tekhn. Fiz. (Lett. to J. Tech. Phys.), N.19, 23(1997), pp. 54-59 (in russian). Engl. transl.: Tech. Phys. Lett., 23(10), 1997, pp. 758-759.
  5. Amirov A.Kh., Bobkov S.E., Bychkov V.L., Emelin S.E., Klimov A.I., Semenov V.S. Modern theoretical and experimental approaches to the problem of view ball lightning. // Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Ball Lightning (ISBL97), 26-29 August 1997, Tsugawa-Town, Niigata, Japan, Daito Insatsu Kogyo Publ. Co, pp. 52-60, 1997.
  6. Bychkov V.L., Emelin S.E., Klimov A.I.,  Semenov V.S. Approaches to ball lightning modeling with erosive dischardes. // Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Ball Lightning (ISBL97), 26-29 August 1997, Tsugawa-Town, Niigata, Japan, Daito Insatsu Kogyo Publ. Co, pp. 188-192, 1997.
  7. Emelin S.E., Kovshik A.P., Pirozerski A.L., Semenov V.S. On the nature of structure peculiarities of plasma jets. // Proceedings of the 5th international conference "Modern problems of electrophysics and electrohydrodynamics of liquids", Saint-Petersburg, 29 June - 4 July 1998, pp.103-106, (in russian).
  8. Emelin S.E., Kovshik A.P., Rjumtsev E.I., Semenov V.S. Erosive radially-slotted discharge. // Pisma v Zh. Tekhn. Fiz. (Lett. to J. Tech. Phys.), N.12, 25(1999), pp.58-61, (in russian).
  9. Emelin S.E., Kovshik A.P. and  Rjumtsev E.I. Formation of jets and ejection under metastable plasma conditions. //In: "Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions", (eds.) P. Fauchais, J. van der Mullen, J. Heberlein. (Pub.) Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 891(1999), pp. 449-456.
  10. Emelin S.E., Pirozerski A.L., Mikhailov E.F., Vlasenko S.S., Skvortsov G.E. Erosive radially-slotted discharge in sheet current mode. // In: Proceedings of 6th International Conference “Modern problems of  electrophysics and electrohydrodynamics of liquids”, June 26-30 2000, Saint-Petersburg, pp.191-198, 2000, (in russian). Engl. transl.: preprint physics/0105101.
  11. Emelin S.E., Pirozerski A.L., Skvortsov G.E., Bychkov V.L. Physical conditions of the ball lightning ejection caused by interaction of electrical discharge with metal and polymer. // Abridged version of this paper is reported on 7th International Symposium on Ball Lightning  (ISBL-01), July 26-29 2001, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Preprint physics/0107059.
  12. Emelin S.E., Pirozerski A.L. Structure-energy self-organization of air-disperse systems in high non-equilibrium conditions of erosional erosive discharge. // Proceedings of 3 international conference "Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols", 24.09-27.09 2001, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, pp.360-367 (in russian).
  13. Emelin S.E., Pirozerski A.L., Egorov A.I., Stepanov S.I., Bychkov V.L. Ball lightning modeling via electrical discharge through the surface of a weak water solution.(MS Word2000, 200Kb, in russian)   //The 10th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning (RCCNT&BL –10), September 29 – October 6, 2002, Dagomys,  and The international conference "Abnormal effects in physics of high densities of energy (macro and microcosmos)", September 23-27, 2002, Yalta.
  14. S.E. Emelin and A.L. Pirozerski. Some effects of metastable substance observed in erosive discharges. // Theses of the III Russian Seminar "Modern means of plasma diagnostic and their application for control of materials and   environment", Moscow, MEPHI, November 28-30, 2001. Preprint physics/0203034. Here is the russian version. Also you can see slides which was shown during our report.
  15. A.L.Pirozerski and S.E. Emelin. Long-living plasma formations arising from metal wires burning. //The international conference "Abnormal effects in physics of high densities of energy (macro and microcosmos)", September 23-27, 2002, Yalta, and  The 10th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning (RCCNT&BL –10), September 29 – October 6, 2002, Dagomys. Preprint physics/0107059.
  16. S.E. Emelin. Commutation of lightning impuls by multiarc erosive radial-slotted discharge.   // 5th Russian Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (RCAE-5), Vladimir, 21-26 September 2003, and 7th International Conference “Modern problems of  electrophysics and electrohydrodynamics of liquids”, June 27-30, 2003, Saint-Petersburg, pp.94-97, (in russian). Preprint physics/0304072 (19 Apr 2003).
  17. A.L. Pirozerski, S.E.Emelin Main physical properties of long-living plasma formations arising from thin metal wires burning. // In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference “Modern problems of  electrophysics and electrohydrodynamics of liquids”, June 27-30, 2003, Saint-Petersburg, pp.211-214 (in russian).
  18. S.E. Emelin. Conditions for non-stationary discharge initiation into "burning-through" mode. // 11th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning (RCCNT&BL –11), September 28 – October 5, 2003, Dagomys.  Preprint physics/0306158 (21 Jun 2003).
  19. A.L.Pirozerski. Spectral characteristics of long-living plasmoids arising from the erosive water surface discharge (abstract only) // 11th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning (RCCNT&BL –11), September 28 – October 5, 2003, Dagomys.

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